The Spike Mat & pillow are covered Virgin Abs disks that have thousands of acupressure points. As you lie down and rest on the mat, the pressure points work similarly to acupuncture treatments, which is said to stimulate the body’s meridian lines to healing. This process improves blood flow, helping the body to release toxins and promoting muscle recovery – for post-workout. The mat can be quite a stress reliever after work or relax you when going to bed. It is a great tool to use during savasana at the end of a yoga session.
As your body releases endorphins from the acupressure, it helps to reduce pain in tight areas like the back, neck, and feet. It can be used not only lying down, but also while seated at a desk chair or on the couch. Set your feet on it when seated to help soothe weary soles at the end of a long day, or lay on your stomach to help with digestion.
Our one of a kind Ultimate spike mat offers a functional design, which allows you to separate the mat in to three sections and use it as per your need. It comes with the reflexology charts on the back & is easy to fold & store. The mat is great for sharing or using on multiple parts of your body. it can also be put on the back of a chair or on the sofa. The combination of the folding mat with the pillow makes it an ultimate set to own for perfect massage & relaxation experiences.