Holistic Skincare Regimen for Dry Skin

Holistic Skincare Regimen for Dry Skin

Suffering from dry skin? But chemical-ridden products seem to worsen the quality of your skin. Don’t they? The solution lies in all-natural products that are rich in nourishment and make you love your rejuvenated and strengthened skin.

Svarasya brings a method that’s synonymous with keeping your soul strong, despite all the negativity around. After all, the pollution, bad food, and dust all around are similarly negative to your skin.


1. Purify: Brush negativity off.

You know you are not supposed to use soap on your face if you have dry skin. And that’s the reason why you use other kinds of cleansers and not a soap. Guess what? Many of these heavily marketed cleansers consist of the same chemicals as soap and therefore cause harm the same way. Such cleansers damage the outer layer of the skin thus causing acne and wrinkles.

Svarasya presents an all natural soap-free face wash, that takes care of acne and reduces all kinds of blemishes, wrinkles, and fine lines with regular use. Known as KIYOMERU - THE ANCIENT NATURAL FACE WASH, this gentle deep pore cleanser helps retain the natural oils of your face. Plus, its creamy texture and the results you get with regular use, help you forget that you ever had dry skin.

Additionally, Kiyomeru heals your skin with its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It not only unclogs your pores but also leaves a clearer complexion with the ancient Japanese secrets blended in the recipe.

2. Exfoliate: Pull out the sorrows hidden within.

After a cleanse that doesn’t rip off the precious natural oils of your skin, it is important to exfoliate your skin gently. For this, you can use Svarasya’s SUKURABU - THE ANCIENT FACE SCRUB. Enriched with nourishment from Rice Bran, Rice Bran Oil, Rice powder, Clove Extract, Lavender, and Liquorice extract, Sukurabu preserves the skin’s youthfulness.

Exfoliation done with Sukurabu ensures removal of the oldest of dead skin cells that have been residing in the deepest layers of your skin for years. This not only protects from the possible cellular damage but also helps reveal an improved skin tone and complexion.


Why is it great for dry skin? Because the natural rice bran oil that Sukurabu constitutes nourishes and moisturizes the skin. This ability not only provides an instant relief from dryness but also gets absorbed in the skin to make it satin-smooth and soft.

3. Moisturize: Nourish your soul.

With a focus on increasing blood circulation to your face while giving you moments of self-awareness, TEJITA - THE ANCIENT MASSAGE POWDER refreshes you from the inside out.

When you massage with slight upward strokes every day, the skin not only revitalizes but gains strength as well. It embraces its nourishment that comes from Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils of the ancient massage powder. With regular use, you will find healthier, moisturized skin with a brightened skin tone and smooth texture.

Chandrika  -Ancient-illuminator-for-natural-glowing -skin

You may find CHANDRIKA - THE ANCIENT ILLUMINATOR pretty useful as well. If you have heard about micro-dermabrasion, you’ll find Chandrika a natural version of that. For the uninitiated, micro-dermabrasion is a minimally invasive procedure done in modern times to remove your wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, age spots, and undo the effects of sun damage.

With Chandrika's nutritious ingredients you can get all of this done naturally. For example, with Soyabean’s antioxidants and mustard’s stimulation, Chandrika moisturizes your skin while improving its complexion.


Did you know that the ringmaster of your body is the gut? Be it health, happiness, immunity, digestion, or brain function, the gut is what controls these all. No wonder, it controls our skin and thus our beauty as well. So consider strengthening the ringmaster by consuming gut-foods. You can choose this as an extra step or simply as the core step towards the path of your enhanced beauty.

Svarasya has three gut-foods for you to try if you wish to nourish your gut. Rich in probiotics, digestive enzymes, phytonutrients, sulfur, Vitamin B, and antioxidants, these miracle beauty foods help get rid of any toxicity in the body that is making your skin dry.

The three magical gut-foods are:




These ancient krauts taste delicious with meals as pickles or in salads for a tangy flavor. You can add the Kraut to your smoothies as well. About two teaspoons, thrice a day, with meals, will ensure a good amount of microbiota in your digestive tract. Doing this will help detoxify your body from within, which will be visible outside in the form of a soft, supple, clear, and nourished skin.

So, are you ready for better and healthy beauty now? Why not? You deserve it!

Get going and have a look at all those products right away. If not all, you can try at least one of them to see the difference yourself. Once you get addicted to the results, get the remaining products and welcome holistic skincare into your life with open arms.

You can also check out our gift combos if you wish to give your loved ones a holistic present. Why not gift one to yourself?

Don’t wait until your skin starts shouting with breakouts and dead cells. Take a little step for yourself today.

Your buttery smooth and healthy skin is just a click away!

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